Stories and Pictures

By: Mylene Causing

                 “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.” Psalm 91:4
                One Sabbath, we were holding our worship with our Bible students in an open market in Barangay Impugong. “Shout to the Lord, all the earth let us sing…”  This is what we were singing when suddenly a motorcycle came and the person riding it was pointing his fingers at us.  I found out that his name is Manong Jose. We just thought that one of our students was his child and he only wants him to go home. However, we noticed that he was angry. “You better stop your worship. You are just bringing trouble in this place. Stop it!”
                Sam went near him and talked to him. Manong Jose kept on pointing his finger to Sam.  We were already distracted so we stopped the singing. Our Bible students encouraged us to go on. “Don’t mind him Ma’am. He is just drunk so he has the guts to start trouble.”  Manong Jose’s voice became harsh and loud. This made us scared. Fortunately, one of the barangay officials and the school head teacher who are our friends heard the commotion. They came and solved the problem. We thanked the Lord in prayer for His providence.
Our Psalmist said in his book, chapter 91: 4-7, “He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and buckler…” I claimed this Bible verse everytime I encounter some troubles. I need to remind myself that our great Master could protect us against the enemy. Before we were sent in our mission field, they asked us these questions: Are you willing to give your life? Are you willing to suffer? Are you willing to be mocked? It is easy to say “yes” but during the trial moment, it’s difficult to remain unafraid. But God has a lot of wonderful promises for us to be secured and joyful in our service.
                  To my fellow workers in Christ, we have nothing to fear because God is with us. To our dear faith-partners, thank you for bringing us here through your financial support and prayers. You’ve been part of our mission life.


By: Juliet Rualo


In this world of darkness, we are given Light (the truth) and we have the duty to share this light to others (Matthew 5:16).

One morning, we’re scheduled to visit at Legleg, one of the barangay here in Tinoc. We visited Manang Lydia, one hour hike from our home. We found her in her garden. She is a very industrious woman, a mother of 8 children. Her youngest child is a special child. 
I told her she cannot bear the burden alone, that she needs Jesus who could help her. She agreed and told us when they were newlywed they always go to church. When they had children they became so busy. I shared her Matthew 6:33, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God…we cannot do anything without Him, we need Jesus in our lives. Manang, Jesus said, cast your burden upon Me & I will give you rest (Matt.11:28), He will take care of our burdens just trust Him.” 
Before we went home, we offered her a prayer and we’ve seen the joy in her face. She gave us vegetables from her garden.

There are a lot of people like Manang Lydia who needs help, hope, and a need for a Saviour. Satan is keeping the people busy so they will forget to call on Jesus. God has His way to remind these people that they need God in their life.

Dear friends, through you supports, we could still reach out more souls who needs to know Jesus’s love.